5 Philanthropy Trends To Watch in 2020

February 2020 - The Angeletti Group

5 Philanthropy Trends To Watch in 2020

As we begin the new decade, my colleagues and I continue to focus on engagement strategies to succeed in today’s rapidly shifting philanthropic landscape.  See below for TAG’s 5 Trends to Address list: Transparency is King With increased access to information regarding non-profit effectiveness and impact, donors are becoming more discerning and moving their philanthropic


Donor Advised Funds Are Here To Stay

Donor Advised Funds (DAF) attracted an unprecedented surge of 2019 philanthropy. More and more individuals—at all giving levels–used this efficient vehicle to advance their philanthropy last year. When DAFs first gained traction, many nonprofits and prognosticators feared their advent would result in fewer and smaller distributions. However, since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of

The Angeletti Group