Strategic Planning for Board Members
Engage your Board in Strategic Planning with this downloadable resource from Suzanne Albin.
Are You Ready for a Campaign? Checklist
This is your go-to checklist of actions that lead to the successful completion of a campaign! Of course, due to the unique nature of each and every campaign—and the organizations running them—no checklist could ever truly be comprehensive. There are often nuances and “audibles” required which may supersede any formal checklist. However, the items below are generally a part of every solid campaign undertaking.
Whitepaper – Donors Want to Support Their Passion, not Fill a Gap – Reinvent Your Annual Fund
This whitepaper discusses broadening the definition of the annual fund. Uncovering and understanding what motivates individuals to make their first gift, to sustain their support, and ultimately to increase their contributions is essential. Reinventing your annual fund so that potential and current donors can support their passion is fast becoming one of the most valuable instruments in the fundraising toolkit.
Whitepaper – Philanthropy Has Important Challenges, but Are They the Ones We’re Talking About?
A number of pundits have recently taken aim at the nonprofit sector, especially in heated battles about the deductibility of charitable donations. Before jumping into the fray, we at The Angeletti Group have asked our colleagues and donors to take a deep breath and look at the bigger picture. As important as discussions are about the presence and lobbying power of the nonprofit sector, they distract from the biggest question concerning nonprofits: what must nonprofits focus on now to touch lives, change lives, and save lives? This whitepaper dives into five challenges facing the nonprofit sector.
“Cost Per Dollar Raised” A Formula for Gauging Your Fundraising Success
CPDR is both a mathematical formula and a strategic performance gauge that nonprofits use to determine how the costs of fundraising compare to the organization’s bottom line.
This handout outlines approaches to help make judgments about what
expenditures to include and exclude when obtaining and reporting data.
Whitepaper – Factors Influencing Philanthropy in 2022
The Angeletti Group, LLC (TAG) issues this whitepaper for consideration by nonprofit leaders as they seek to plan their organizations’ short and longer term futures. Specifically, TAG encourages nonprofits to focus on three external and six internal factors that will inevitably affect their goals, objectives, and outcomes.
Trends in Corporate Philanthropy
This presentation outlines the history of corporate giving, from decades past through COVID-related giving and now, current trends and issues corporates are focusing on in their post-pandemic philanthropy. We also offer strategies for building relationships with the corporate sector to advance fundraising goals.
Donor-Advised Funds: Fast Facts
A helpful overview of how a DAF works, average donor and grant activity, and tips for how to reach DAF donors.
Donor-Advised Funds: What You Need to Know
A quick guide to Donor-Advised Funds and their growth and impact in recent years.
The CARES Act: What It Means for Donors and Nonprofits
The CARES Act not only offers loans and grants to eligible nonprofit organizations impacted by the coronavirus, it also incentivizes charitable giving from individuals and corporations by increasing tax deductibility. This guide provides the details.
Use this download-able Prospect Strategy Sheet to organize prospect meetings and keep your moves management on track!
Hospital Employee Giving Campaign Survey
In July 2017, The Angeletti Group conducted a survey of 6 hospitals and health care systems regarding their employee giving campaigns in order to better gain an understanding of the strategies and tools most often used and at what rate of success. These organizations ranged in size and budget from smaller community hospitals to larger health systems. This report represents blind results compiled from this survey.
Guidance from a Mentor: AHP Mid-Atlantic Regional News, 2010
Revisiting a Development Officer’s Professional Resolutions: AHP Mid-Atlantic Regional News, 2008