Strategic Planning and Board Development

Strategic Planning and Board Development

Strategic Planning

An organization’s strategic plan will define quantifiable strategies that, when implemented, expand capacity and bring the organization to new and higher levels of success. Using an entirely custom approach, TAG will conduct market research and assess internal and external stakeholders to develop strategic priorities and measurable outcomes tailored to your vision and mission.

Board Development, Coaching & Recruitment

TAG provides development and coaching services including solicitation coaching, the board’s role in development, and more. We also specialize in succession planning and the identification and recruitment of new members to refresh and add new talent and resources.

Physician Engagement & Grateful Patient Programs

No leading medical center can realize its fundraising potential without support from its physicians. They are the people of greatest influence in grateful patients’ decisions to give. TAG will help your organization formulate a plan to support and position your CEO and other administrative leadership, empowering them to form effective and enduring partnerships with physicians across service lines and engage with grateful patients effectively.