Campaign Planning & Strategy

Campaign Planning & Strategy

Campaign Planning, Feasibility & Pulsing Studies

TAG’s unique approach to planning and feasibility studies is what distinguishes us from other firms. We are designed to be hands-on every step of the way to achieve smooth transition from the initial planning stage through the campaign’s implementation and successful completion. TAG’s studies are designed to be a thorough and intensive measurement of the perceptions of the client on macro and micro levels among top leaders and potential supporters. A study helps clients decide the best campaign case statement to present to prospects, where potential leadership stands, the types and number of prospects required for success, and a campaign plan that builds on the facts—one that is both aggressive and realistic.

Unique to TAG, our pulsing studies feature immediate gift discussions with prospects, rather than waiting until the study is complete, to achieve maximum engagement of qualified prospects.

Executive Campaign Counsel

Our experienced frontline consultants offer guidance and expertise to move the development program forward and into the campaign. TAG’s executive campaign counsel will work with you to put in place the building blocks of a successful campaign—from the quiet and public phase campaign plans to the cultivation and solicitation strategies for lead prospects. Our role is to ensure that the campaign proceeds smoothly from conception to successful completion, and we will put in place the milestones and metrics to measure progress. We provide strategic direction, leadership, and implementation—both for the campaign and to the development function as a whole.

Campaign Management

The Angeletti Group has more than 100 years of combined fundraising experience and, whether your campaign is designed to raise funds for a single priority or is comprehensive in nature, we can help. We marry best practices with client-specific circumstances and deliver a highly scalable model to meet your particular needs. Our team is flexible and nimble enough to offer onsite campaign management and/or executive level counsel in a model scalable to your needs.