Fundraising Resources

Fundraising Resources

Fundraising Strategies & Insights

The Angeletti Group is your resource for all things fundraising. Follow trending topics in philanthropy on our blog, stay up-to-date with the TAGLines newsletter, and dive deeper during one of our conference presentations or webinars.

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Fundraising Resources

White Paper: Donors Want to Support Their Passion, Not Fill a Gap. Reinvent Your Annual Fund.

This whitepaper discusses broadening the definition of the annual fund.  Reinventing your annual fund so that potential and current donors can support their passion is fast becoming one of the most valuable instruments in the fundraising toolkit.

White Paper: Philanthropy Has Important Challenges, but Are They the Ones We’re Talking About?

A number of pundits have recently taken aim at the nonprofit sector, especially in heated battles about the deductibility of charitable donations. Before jumping into the fray, we at The Angeletti Group have asked our colleagues and donors to take a deep breath and look at the bigger picture. This whitepaper dives into five challenges facing the nonprofit sector.

Cost Per Dollar Raised Handout

Use this download-able handout to help make judgments about what expenditures to include and exclude when obtaining and reporting data.

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