Greer Vaughan
Vice President, Client Partnerships
Greer has vast experience in all aspects of planning, leading, and advising comprehensive fundraising campaigns. She has developed expertise in every stage of philanthropy, from developing organizational structure all the way up to successfully completing multimillion dollar campaigns, particularly in the arts and culture sectors. In addition, Greer specializes in helping organizations implement custom planned giving programs and campaigns.
“The business of philanthropy has evolved from a simple framework to a much more sophisticated model,” Greer observed. “This change is proceeding at a rapid pace and requires highly skilled and experienced professionals to assure success.” As Vice President of Client Partnerships, Greer is mindful of the changing environment of philanthropy – particularly in the arts and culture sector – as she helps organizations enhance charitable funding to increase impact. She understands organizational finances and how to better utilize available resources to secure revenue for buildings, programs, and endowments. In her role, she is responsible for a variety of client service projects including high level strategy, writing, developing and managing clients action plans and overall progress. Her experience, focus, mentoring, and strong initiative have helped her clients reach, and many times surpass, their organizational and professional goals.
Before joining TAG, Greer served as a senior consultant with another leading national firm advising campaigns and helping diverse clients achieve fundraising success, including zoos, gardens, hospitals, children’s organizations, independent schools and universities. Due to her accomplishments, Greer earned the firm’s Consultant of the Year Award for her fundraising success and high client approval ratings.
Greer began her career in philanthropy at her alma mater, Porter-Gaud School, as director of alumni and public relations. She went on to serve successfully the Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry – as its founding Director of Development from 1998 – 2001 and the Coastal Community Foundation, where she honed her planned giving skills as Donor Services Director. Her experience as a staff member of these organizations gives her insight to the needs and challenges that charitable organizations face daily.
Greer received her undergraduate degree from The University of Pennsylvania. She is past president of the Lowcountry Chapter of the Association of Fundraising professionals and served on the board of the South Carolina Planned Giving Council for 7 years. She also served on the Executive Committee and Finance Committee of the Porter-Gaud Alumni Board and as Board President. Currently she serves on the school’s Foundation Board. Additionally, Greer has served three times on the Junior League of Charleston’s Board of Directors. Greer has also been a speaker and panelist at national conferences on fundraising topics such as capital campaigns and planned giving.