Cara Flynn

Cara Flynn

Cara Flynn


Cara Flynn is a New York City-based fundraising professional and freelance fundraising consultant, grant writer, and content creator. She has been fundraising since her early days of co-chairing the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer campaign (associated with the American Cancer Society) at her alma mater Fordham University. She has worked full-time in the development offices of various youth-focused organizations and schools.

Cara enjoys working both on teams and solo, while providing both on-site and off-site services to organizations and clients throughout various parts of North America, including California, New Jersey, New York, Ontario, and Washington, D.C. Cara has even done content creation for a company based in Geneva. Organizations have dealt with various issues including addiction, veterans affairs, youth development, education, and the arts.
What Cara loves about development is that no two days or projects are the same – there is always a new campaign, fundraiser, or grant application to work on. From conducting research to drafting proposals, Cara enjoys assisting nonprofits in developing strategies and pipelines to reach unprecedented goals. And she loves using the power of the pen (or keyboard) to encourage giving from individuals, corporations, and foundations.

Cara earned her B.A. in sociology with a minor in history from Fordham University in Bronx, NY. She also has taken graduate level fundraising courses at New York University.